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Corporate prayer was an essential part of church life in the early church and it is an important part of our life together as well.   We provide various opportunities to join with other brothers and sisters in corporate prayer. We hope you will join us


Acts 2:42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Sundays | 9AM | Room 5

Join us every Sunday morning as we seek the Lord together and pray for His will and purposes at Red River Church.

First Tuesday of Every Month

We are called to have an open heart, open eyes, and open ears toward God and the Spirit's direction at all times. There is also a call for concentrated, unceasing prayer. The first disciples met in an upper room for ten days to wait for the promised Holy Spirit. After ten days of prayer, they were empowered to do the very works of Jesus Christ.


The Red River Church staff meets on the first Tuesday of every month to pray for every member of the Red River Church. We also pray for other needs that come in from our neighborhood from the "prayer box" which is outside of the office door.

Last Wednesday of Every Month | 7 PM | Prayer Room

Join us in the prayer room as we pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are persecuted for their faith.


Don't miss this precious time of intercession!

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