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The Red River Worship Team is seeking God's heart, desiring to use music as a stepping stone to admire and thank our Lord Jesus Christ as a congregation. Our team members are intergenerational and come from all walks of life. We want to sow the talents that God has given us, developing them into powerful tools to bring Him praise.

The Red River Worship Team is guided by Four Core Principles. All four of these principles are axioms of scripture and therefore all of our policies and decisions are to be in agreement with these four Biblical principles.


  • Relationship with the Lord is the highest priority

  • Worship is a lifestyle

  • Servant Leadership: to lead is to serve.

  • Discipleship: we should be raising up other worshippers that God has placed in our midst

The Worship Team offers a modern sound that is uniquely driven by the creativity of its members. We bring current songs from worshippers throughout the world, including original songs from members of the body, into our times of thanksgiving and praise. We also value the rich heritage of God's church and incorporate old songs with the new. We are always working to improve the quality of our presentation to best encourage and facilitate the praises of God's people.

There is a wonderful passage in 2 Chronicles 5:13 & 14 showing God responding to the worship of His people.


“…and when the song was raised, with trumpets and cymbals and other musical instruments, in praise to the Lord, “For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever,” the house, the house of the Lord, was filled with a cloud, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God.”


Likewise, we desire to bring Him glory as we worship and to offer up praises as incense to His throne.

The team meets on Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 8:30. We don't restrict this rehearsal time to worship team members, but everyone who has an interest in developing their musical skills for worship is invited. We rehearse for Sunday, try out new material, develop new skills, and pray for each other. We are eagerly recruiting new members and training them.

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